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from a public HS teacher (Gov't, Religion, Soc. Issues), who is eclectic (Dem-leaning) politically and Quaker (& open) on everything else. Hope you enjoy what you find here.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
I know I am not alone in these sentiments. It will be a shameful day for the U.S. Senate if they vote confirm as the 2nd highest law enforcement officer [because technically the President is the highest] a man such as this,
Who has lied to the United States Senate in his confirmation hearing about the role he played in keeping Bush from jury duty;
Who lied to the judge about the reason Bush should not serve, when the real reason was to avoid presenting the then governor of Txas with a Hobson's choice, to lie about his drunken driving charge to to allow it to finally become public;
Who in his role as principal legal advisor to the governor on matters of executive clemency did not present all or even a balanced amount of the information relevant to the clemency appeals of inmates facing capital punishment;
Who in his role as principal legal advisor to the president has actively solicited legal opinions to justify ignoring long-standing U.S. international agreements, ratified conventions, and U.S. statutes prohibiting participation in torture;
Who refuses to answer relevant direct questions from United States Senators during said confirmation hearings, and even when he responds later in writing does not address the import of the questions;;
Whose actions have jeopardized the safety of all American military personnel who may fall into enemy hands in the current conflicts in iraq and Afghanistan, and in any future conflict in which this country may be embroiled
Who throughout his career has evinced far more dedication to the politicacl welfare of George Walker Bush than he has to upholding well-established principles of the American legal system, or even to the Office of the Presidency which he presumes to advicse legally.
I hereby state my clear determination that I will never offer political or financial support of any kind to any United States Senator who votes to confirm Gonzales. Such an action will forever disqualify in my mind that person from holding office on the grounds that s/he, like the President who nominated Gonzales, is thereby violating the oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution.
Kenneth J. Bernstein
FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME OFFLINE at Comments, suggestions and even rude remarks are welcomed! Preface any messages with "teacherken" so I know they are not spam.
Who has lied to the United States Senate in his confirmation hearing about the role he played in keeping Bush from jury duty;
Who lied to the judge about the reason Bush should not serve, when the real reason was to avoid presenting the then governor of Txas with a Hobson's choice, to lie about his drunken driving charge to to allow it to finally become public;
Who in his role as principal legal advisor to the governor on matters of executive clemency did not present all or even a balanced amount of the information relevant to the clemency appeals of inmates facing capital punishment;
Who in his role as principal legal advisor to the president has actively solicited legal opinions to justify ignoring long-standing U.S. international agreements, ratified conventions, and U.S. statutes prohibiting participation in torture;
Who refuses to answer relevant direct questions from United States Senators during said confirmation hearings, and even when he responds later in writing does not address the import of the questions;;
Whose actions have jeopardized the safety of all American military personnel who may fall into enemy hands in the current conflicts in iraq and Afghanistan, and in any future conflict in which this country may be embroiled
Who throughout his career has evinced far more dedication to the politicacl welfare of George Walker Bush than he has to upholding well-established principles of the American legal system, or even to the Office of the Presidency which he presumes to advicse legally.
I hereby state my clear determination that I will never offer political or financial support of any kind to any United States Senator who votes to confirm Gonzales. Such an action will forever disqualify in my mind that person from holding office on the grounds that s/he, like the President who nominated Gonzales, is thereby violating the oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution.
Kenneth J. Bernstein
FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME OFFLINE at Comments, suggestions and even rude remarks are welcomed! Preface any messages with "teacherken" so I know they are not spam.
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